
咖啡祖师爷-Peet's Coffee


Project information
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In the world of coffee, Peet's is not just a name; it represents a craftsmanship spirit and an unwavering pursuit of quality. Stepping into any Peet's Coffee shop feels like entering an artistic world where the brand's DNA is deeply embedded in the space. Peet's Coffee has explored how to perfectly integrate its brand philosophy with spatial art through interior design, and over the past year, Spider Creative has delved into this exploration to uncover the most representative spirit of Peet's in its store designs.



The Deciphering of Brand DNA

1966年,Alfred Peet这个传说中教会美国人喝咖啡的荷兰人,因对遍地乏味苦涩的咖啡深恶痛绝,在加州伯克利掀起了一场咖啡变革。在加州伯克利镇上开设的第一家Peet's Coffee,他发明深度烘焙、坚持手工制作,Mr.Peet摘掉了“美国没有高品质咖啡”的标签,Peet's coffee的传奇由此开始。他被誉为“咖啡祖师爷”

Since 1966, Peet's has been dedicated to the pursuit of bettercoffee. When Alfred Peet moved to the U.s., he was stunned bythe bland coffee Americans were drinking and opened a coffeestore in Berkeley, California selling small batch, hand-roasted craftcoffee with a rich, bold taste. He was called 'A Coffee Mastersince then.



As a true craftsman, Peet's adheres to the principles of manual roasting and has changed the way Americans drink coffee with his own efforts. He promotes fresh, small batch roasted deep roasted blended coffee. After half a century of changes, the strict manual coffee roasting and production process still permeates all Pee'ts coffee. We focus on carefully producing every cup of fresh, rich, and fragrant high-quality coffee.


Peet's Coffee has always upheld craftsmanship and excellence, treating every coffee bean as an artwork. From bean selection, roasting to brewing, every step embodies Peet's unwavering commitment and pursuit of quality. This passion and dedication to coffee is the core of Peet's Coffee's brand DNA. Simultaneously, Peet's Coffee values both tradition and innovation, blending traditional coffee culture with modern design concepts to create a uniquely styled brand.



Design Philosophy of Brand Space Design


Every Peet's Coffee store is an independent and distinctive spatial artwork. The retro-styled outlets transport you back to the golden era of coffee, allowing you to immerse in its rich cultural heritage. On the other hand, the modern and minimalistic stores showcase Peet's Coffee's fashion and vitality, captivating the attention of young consumers. Regardless of the style, each store profoundly embodies the brand essence of Peet's Coffee, enabling customers to enjoy the unique charm of the brand while savoring their coffee.




Peet's Coffee, with its unique modern-retro style, has created a coffee space that embodies both historical depth and modern vibrancy. In the spatial design, we skillfully utilize elements such as greenery and wall art, adding vitality and dynamism to the space while also showcasing the unique charm of the brand.



Peet's Coffee draws on California's charm, blending greens into its design. It creates cozy yet vibrant spaces, fusing modernity with retro style via plants and art. Greens enhance the ambiance, letting customers enjoy nature's freshness while sipping coffee.


At the entrance of the store, a vibrant green plant wall composed of various plant species adds a striking color to the space, while also functioning to divide the area and guide customer flow. The design of the plant wall is inspired by California's natural landscapes, featuring locally-adapted plants that are easy to maintain and visually appealing. Behind the bar, hanging green plants extend the green elements into the workspace, bringing a refreshing touch of nature to the baristas. These plants not only beautify the work environment but also serve to purify the air.


In every corner and on each table of the seating area, delicate potted plants are placed. These pots feature small and easy-to-care-for plant species. Space without occupying too much room. Customers can enjoy their coffee while admiring the beauty of these plants from a close distance.


In 2017, Peet's Coffee arrived in China, a rapidly developing country that values fun above all. The bold, vibrant, and exploratory spirit that flows through the core of Peet's Coffee is about being productive yet enjoying life to the fullest. If the taste is right, then let the revolution in coffee flavors come. Peet's Coffee brings its passion for being the best in the industry, its rich aroma, and creates an atmosphere where everyone can enjoy their coffee. It highlights people's vitality and encourages their bravery, building a "haven for interesting souls." Boldness, vitality, and exploration are also crucial expressive elements in the physical spaces.



Fusion of brand essence & space


In the design of Peet's Coffee stores, the brand's DNA and spatial artistry achieve a perfect fusion. Every decoration and detail is skillfully integrated with the brand's philosophy, allowing customers to deeply experience Peet's unique craftsmanship and unwavering pursuit of quality while enjoying their coffee. This integration not only enhances the overall aesthetics of the stores, but also strengthens customers' brand recognition and loyalty.





Peet's Coffee's store design is not only a journey of spatial innovation but also a profound display of the brand's DNA. Through the carefully crafted spatial environment, Peet's Coffee successfully conveys its brand philosophy to every customer, enabling them to feel the unique charm and warmth of the brand while savoring their coffee. In the future, Peet's Coffee will continue to uphold its unique brand DNA, continuously explore and innovate, bringing more delightful coffee experiences to its customers.



设计 笑脸蜘蛛|Spider Creative

摄影: 赵卿昊


Brand: Peet's Coffee

Design: Spider Creative

Photography: Qinghao Zhao

Website: www.spidercreative.cn



Spider Creative, is a design and consultancy company based in Shanghai,working internationally focus on experience & innovation design.

Smiley Spider(Spider Creative) is a rare species. It has incomparable super ability, superhuman endurance, reaction, agility, speed and creativity. Smiley face represents positive energy, which also means that our design is unique. Our team comes from different backgrounds and different majors, has an international vision, strong creativity and happy mind, and constantly explores and tries to break through limitations, Provide the brand with the most valuable space innovation experience design and consulting services.

Our vision

Spider Creative,based China, leading experience &innovation design around the world.

笑脸蜘蛛创始人先后分别在世界咖啡领导品牌星巴克及新茶饮头部品牌喜茶担任最高设计领导职位, 创建和带领内部(In-house)设计团队,负责全球门店创新体验设计工作,完成了诸多有影响力的创新空间体验项目,其中包含了各类创新概念的探索和品牌旗舰势能门店,在整个创作过程中不断突破设计边界,探索更多可能性。另外创始人不仅仅在空间和体验上追求卓越的设计,我们是新零售行业头部品牌的亲历者,对设计如何提升品牌形象和促进品牌的发展有着深刻的认识,同时游走于甲乙方带来不局限于一环的通透视角。设计对一个企业具有生死攸关的作用,笑脸蜘蛛的创立,是通过设计为全球品牌创造长期商业价值。

The founder of Spider Creative has successively held the top design leadership positions in Starbucks, the leading coffee brand, and Heytea, the leading brand of New Tea Drink. He has created and led the internal (in-house) design team, which is responsible for the innovative design of global stores, completed many influential innovative space experience projects, including the exploration of various innovative concepts and the brand flagship potential stores. In the process, he has constantly broken through the design boundary, Not only pursuing excellent design in terms of space and experience, but also being a first-hand experience of the head brand in the new retail industry, he has deeply know that design plays a vital role in an enterprise. Spider Creative,founded in China, leading experience &innovation design around the world and through design to create value for gloabl brands.

Work with us—write to info@spidercreative.cn

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